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The graphic below from our Muscle Wall Team illustrates the proper way to stack sandbags, according to the United States Army Corpse of Engineers. The USACE also expose that the true expense of sandbags, once you factor in the delivery of the sand and sandbags, the filling of the sandbags, the building of the sandbag wall, and last but not least the removal of the sandbags. In many cases, the sand is contaminated with E.Coli (bacteria that causes stomach cramps, vomiting and bloody diarrhea) after being exposed to flood water and has to be considered harmful. You can't use it anymore. It has to be bought to the landfill.

Screenshot 2022-10-25 152511.jpg

What You Need To Know About Sandbagging

  • Sandbagging is highly labor intensive. You will need an army of workers to build a reliable sandbag wall in a short time. High risk of collapsing when not properly built. 

  • Here is an example: For filling the bags with sand and installing a 4ft (1219mm) high sandbag wall 328ft long (=100m) the following is required:

  1. 7,872 sand bags are required

  2. 37m3 (=48yard3) sand is required

  3. equals __ truckloads of sand

  4. total time to fill the sandbags: 656 hrs [!]

  5. it will take 20 workers 4 days when they work 8 hrs each day to fill the sand bags

  • Sand is not reusable. No usage other than sending it to the landfill after it has been used. We believe that tax Dollars (labor hrs [656hrs], sand, sandbags, trucking , cleanup hours, dump fee) should not be spend like this.



What You Need To Know
About Hard Surface Flood Walls (Muscle Wall + INERO)

  • The installation of a hard surface flood wall is fast and every segment of the wall is engineered. In other words, it is safe and reliable when installed.

  • Here is an example for a 100m long and 4ft high INERO flood wall:

  1. The installation time for a 4ft hard surface flood wall (here: INERO) will take about one hour with 2-3 workers.




  • Our hard surface flood walls are reusable year-after-year. Our tax Dollars are wisely spend for a system that is easy deployable, and can be installed in almost no time. It has a life span of 50+ years and requires very minimal time to get installed and disabled so that it can be stored for the next flood event. 

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Cell + Text: 1-250-317-3022 


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